Led Zeppelin Remasters

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by mj1024, Apr 19, 2006.

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  1. Lownote30

    Lownote30 Bass Clef Addict

    Nashville, TN, USA
    Classic Records for LZ other than LZII, and you're all set. I have the RL LZII and needledropped that, and I haven't listend to an LZ production CD since I did that. Oh yeah, I used my original pressing of Coda for that needledrop as well. It's impossible to find a Classic pressing of that or ITTOD these days.
  2. Stefan

    Stefan Senior Member

    Montreal, Canada
    I think they're just going to import the 2000 copies of the Japanese box set and issue them as a 40th anniversary set. They're the old 90's remasters except for TSRTS, which is the 2007 remaster. I could be wrong (and I hope I am) but the momentum seems to be gone now that Robert Plant officially announced he has no plans to tour or record with Led Zeppelin. The others were working on new music before this (according to Jason Bonham) so if they continue with someone else singing, I imagine they'll want to focus on new music (probably with a new name) and not spend time promoting a new set of remasters with the ex-singer.
  3. Holy Diver

    Holy Diver Senior Member

    I just got my original used PG, and it is just like this one, WEA on the second CD.
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