The most basic Star Wars question...

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by dirwuf, Jun 6, 2010.

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  1. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

    4 actors stand in front of a giant blue screen looking perplexed, just as I, the viewer, sat in front of a giant white screen looking perplexed. My brain shut off. My eyes blurred. All I could see was a bunch of colored pixels dancing around in an incomprehensible manner. And somewhere deep in the night, the insane howls of George Lucas echoed through the canyon as he ran naked along side armies of imaginary gophers and monkeys.
  2. matthew5

    matthew5 Forum Resident

    lol.... yes... that pretty much sums it up
  3. Solaris

    Solaris a bullet in flight

    New Orleans, LA
    I think it very nearly is a masterpiece, even if Harrison Ford's performance is troublingly inconsistent (while all the other actors are brilliant). Hell of a lot of fun though.

    This is more coherent than the film I saw. Did someone re-cut it? :D
  4. Spirit Crusher

    Spirit Crusher Forum Resident

    Mad Town, WI
    :laugh: :cheers:

    About Indy 4: it was fun to see everybody back together again, but it was just so ridiculous. The jungle thing, the alien thing, just not interesting. Plodding direction. Spielberg phoned it in. What I can't get over, though, is Indy carelessly destroying archaeological artifacts.
  5. jojopuppyfish

    jojopuppyfish Senior Member

    Watch 4,5,6 while serving your kids fruit punch using 1,2,3 and coasters.
    When they ask why they are using a dvd as a coaster, explain that daddy's brain cells were hurt watching the film
  6. AdamK

    AdamK Forum Resident

    Knoxville, TN
    Did anyone catch this story about the letter Lucas sent to the producers of Lost a few episodes before the final one? He admits it! :D

    Here's the letter:

    Now, if you want to debate whether or not the Lost producers had it all planned out or not, there's thread for that:
  7. Ken_McAlinden

    Ken_McAlinden MichiGort Staff

    Livonia, MI
    Yes, but is turning him on to a filmmaker who hasn't made a good film in two decades really that much of an improvement over him being turned on to a filmmaker who hasn't made a good film in three decades?:laugh:

    In the interest of full disclosure, 1994's "In the Mouth of Madness" is somewhat underrated, but otherwise, it has been quite a drought for Carpenter.

  8. I guess I'm in the minority in considering Indy 4 an o.k. action movie that was not any more ridiculous than the previous three outings. I will say that the ending was pretty lame, but really the bulk of the movie worked fine for me.
  9. Ken_McAlinden

    Ken_McAlinden MichiGort Staff

    Livonia, MI
    I was actually OK with it up to and including the semi-ridiculous jungle chase sequence, but it all fell apart in the final act.
  10. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member

    It's certainly not outside the realm of possibility, as the photo below suggests (for those who can't make it out, the shirt says "Han shot first"). The most consistent thing about Lucas is his inconsistency.

    Attached Files:

  11. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    I don't think Carpenter has made a legitimately GOOD movie since "The Thing". I thought "Starman" was a mediocre "ET" remake, while I felt "Little China" doesn't succeed in any way: like I said in my review, it's not funny enough to be a good comedy, smart enough to be a good parody, or exciting enough to be a good action flick.

    I've tried very hard to understand the reverence accorded "Little China", but I don't get it - I think it's relentlessly mediocre. I got more enjoyment from the "Star Wars" prequels and "Indy IV" than I did from "Little China"... :hide:
  12. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA

    At least that shows Lucas has a sense of humor! :)
  13. bluenote

    bluenote Forum Resident

    I'm going to get crucified for this, but I really enjoyed the 3 prequels. I really don't understand the hate for them. Most of us saw the original trilogy when we were kids or teenagers, therefore there is a strong nostalgia factor. We bought all the toys, saw the movies several times and it was a huge part of our childhood. I think no matter what Lucas did for the prequels, it was going to get slammed. The bar was set much too high for him. The people that saw the original films are no longer innocent kids, we're now jaded adults. We can't view the new trilogy as we did with the same innocence that we did with the originals.

    The main complaints I hear is the terrible acting in the new trilogy, the annoying characters (Jar Jar), etc. Really??? The original trilogy had the ewoks, Chewbacca, etc. The acting wasn't that great in the original either, but that was okay. It wasn't meant to be Casablanca. There were tons of cheesy lines in the original too.

    I'm just saying that I really thought the new trilogy was great. If I were to watch it as a child (remember, Star Wars was mostly for kids!!), I would have fallen in love with it. Perhaps Phantom Menace was a bit too slow, but it was necessary because it had an important story to tell, setting up the next 2 movies.
  14. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

    Oh! What a surprise! I hope no one else finds out George's dirty secret!

    Of course he didn't know where it was going. That's why he had to resort to all that "certain point of view" crap. Nevermind that Luke and Leia are slippin' each other the tongue and stuff. Lucas comes down off of a 3 day drunk and suddenly decides Luke & Leia are siblings and that midichlorines are flying around in the air magically knocking up middle aged slave women or something. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. Just a bunch of poorly written nonsense coated with fancy special effects.
  15. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

    I'm not saying I necessarily turned him on to a better body of work, but at least he sees there's a lot more movies out there worth seeing and many of them are just as fun and exciting as Star Wars prequels, which to me is like watching a 2 hour toy/video game commercial. Making Kurt Russell your personal hero can't be a bad thing. After all....look how I turned out.
  16. matthew5

    matthew5 Forum Resident

    maybe that sort of thing is ok in the star wars universe
  17. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    Bad example! :D
  18. Solaris

    Solaris a bullet in flight

    New Orleans, LA
    That's a pretty painful thing to watch. It's pretty apparent to me that Lucas had at least some inkling that they were brother and sister in Empire, given the "there is another" line and Luke's reaching out to Leia with "hear me Leia" while hanging off the rabbit ears at the bottom of Cloud City. Leaving that kiss in earlier is sheer perversity. I mean, I like perversity, but ....*shudder*
  19. Steve Litos

    Steve Litos Senior Member

    Chicago IL
    I cheated and read the Book 3 before the movie came out. It was actually well written and told the story much better than the movie.

    The battles in the book (i.e - Jedi duals) actually worked better in print because each of the combatants strengths, weaknesses, and "tricks" could be expounded upon.

    For example Mace Windu explained that to a shocked Obi Wan that he would be the Jedi most adept at defeating General Grevious because he was THE MASTER of the classic defensive style of Jedi sword style.

    Likewise it explained that Anakin's power with the force does depend on the physical well being of the body. As the machine man Vader, he simply could not summon the force as well as he could when he had legs, arms, lungs, etc. For the most part he was a broken man...the Emperor's lap dog.
  20. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    I'm repulsed already! But yeah, that's the story as I heard it, too.
  21. wolfram

    wolfram Slave to the rhythm

    Berlin, Germany
    Did they tell Yoda?

    "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."

  22. Thomas Thumb

    Thomas Thumb New Member

    Sandusky, Ohio
    Just show the original three. Don't ruin it by showing the others.
  23. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member

    Nope. The original plan was for Luke to have a sister, but it wasn't to be Leia but an entirely new character. That's what the "there is another" line refers to. It was not decided to make Leia into Luke's sister until after Empire was released, after Lucas decided he wanted to wrap things up with ROTJ rather than go on to make additional chapters.
  24. wolfram

    wolfram Slave to the rhythm

    Berlin, Germany
    But why does she hear him on board the Falcon while Luke is hanging upside down underneath Bespin calling her name?
  25. mr.schneider

    mr.schneider Active Member

    N. Beechwood Dr.
    Would have been my exact words.
    There is absolutely nothing redeeming about the other 3...
    I find it amusing that "Sith" is word jumble for... shi...
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