With the Sun in My Eyes: Brothers Gibb (Bee Gees/Andy Gibb) Song-by song thread

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Lance LaSalle, Nov 17, 2023.

  1. croquetlawns

    croquetlawns Forum Resident

    I’m a sucker for non-traditional Christmas songs, but unfortunately this isn’t very good, except for that great ending: 2.5/5.
    Photon, Jarleboy, BeSteVenn and 5 others like this.
  2. croquetlawns

    croquetlawns Forum Resident

    Try Prince, Another Lonely Christmas - it’s about commemorating the death of a girlfriend who died on Christmas Day. But it’s catchy!
    Photon, Jarleboy, RelayerNJ and 2 others like this.
  3. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

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  4. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

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  5. idleracer

    idleracer Forum Resident

    :kilroy: This certainly is minimalist in every respect. Four chords and a switch to shuffle time for the chorus. It's pleasant, but I'm sure I will not remember it a day from now.
    Photon, Jarleboy, brownie61 and 2 others like this.
  6. Majk

    Majk Forum Resident

    Come Some Christmas Eve or Halloween

    Not too fond of it. The melodies are just not that interesting, and there is little else there to make up for it. 2.2/5
    Photon, Jarleboy, BeSteVenn and 4 others like this.
  7. RelayerNJ

    RelayerNJ Forum Resident

    Whippany, NJ
    Come Some Christmas

    It's somewhat interesting, but certainly not a holiday classic. 2.5/5
    Photon, Majk, Jarleboy and 4 others like this.
  8. brownie61

    brownie61 Forum Resident

    Come Some Christmas Eve or Halloween

    Musically, I like the verses a lot, the chorus less so. The lyrics are kind of a mess. For example, “Christmas Eve or Halloween”? I can’t think of how these two days are related, and the song doesn’t explain it. That’s not the only confusing thing about the lyrics.

    2.5/5 for both versions
    Photon, Majk, Jarleboy and 5 others like this.
  9. J. Frank Parnell

    J. Frank Parnell Forum Resident

    Auburn, MA
    Come Some Christmas Eve or Halloween

    Seems like it could turn into a decent song with some work but not terribly impressive as it stands. I like the organ though. 2.75/5
    Photon, Majk, Jarleboy and 5 others like this.
  10. HawthorneCalifornia

    HawthorneCalifornia Forum Resident

    Come Some Christmas

    Being that the idea came while Robin was in India, it makes sense. The verses have that drone quality that is common there.
    I like the verses and the chorus. Could have been a good song.

    Photon, Majk, Jarleboy and 4 others like this.
  11. Pal Joey

    Pal Joey Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler

    New York
    COME SOME CHRISTMAS EVE OR HALLOWEEN — There are songs that, even in an unfinished state, can make beautiful records. This isn't one of them. I can imagine it fleshed out with orchestration from Bill Shepherd, maybe some percussion, more harmonies, etc. But as it is, it's just not particularly compelling. 2/5

    And speaking of Robin... I'm thrilled to report that his excellent (and, sadly, posthumous) album 50 St. Catherine's Drive is once again streaming, at least on Apple Music. It wasn't available for a year or two, if not longer.
    davenav, Photon, Majk and 7 others like this.
  12. Gracchus

    Gracchus Forum Resident

    Even when they don't really work I find these Robin demos pretty fascinating as a glimpse Into Robin's pure unfettered muse. I can imagine Barry frowning at their lack of commercial potential but that's what makes them interesting. Robin's solo recordings are uneven but there's inspired moments that are nothing like anything the Bee Gees ever recorded and not really much like anyone else I can think of.
    Photon, Majk, Jarleboy and 5 others like this.
  13. Will Harris

    Will Harris Forum Resident

    They worked at it as a group and did better the demo. As I said earlier, I don't play this 2nd 2006 disc very often.
    When I do, I let this play. Strange to put these two holidays in one song. The work for the listener is trying to
    figure out, "what's it all about?". Then my mind drifts... "Come Some Christmas Eve or Halloween" - 2.5/5
    Photon, Majk, Jarleboy and 6 others like this.
  14. prymel

    prymel Forum Resident

    Come Some Christmas Eve Or Halloween

    I think this is the second Christmas-themed song we've covered if my memory serves. And the second one that has zero Christmas vibe. And no Halloween vibe either. It's not a very good song, regardless. 2/5
    Photon, Majk, Jarleboy and 5 others like this.
  15. lemonade kid

    lemonade kid Forever Changing

    Yep. A strong ...4/5

    Though it hasn't caught fire here for the most part...I like the melancholy delivery and, well, all of it.
    davenav, Photon, Majk and 5 others like this.
  16. Hadean75

    Hadean75 Forum Moonlighter

    I love this track. I like the nonsensical lyrics and the lovely melody. Robin's vocal was particularly good. One of my favorites from the Idea bonus tracks.

    My rating 4.5/5
    Photon, Majk, brownie61 and 2 others like this.
  17. bRETT

    bRETT Senior Member

    Boston MA
    Well, "Wonderful Christmastime" this certainly ain't. A bit overblown in a way that wasn't typical of their '60s ballads-- in fact it sounds to me like a much later recording. The changes in tempo don't help the case any. I really wish the Bee Gees had done a great Christmas song, but this strikes me as just an oddity. 2/5
    Photon, Will Harris, Majk and 5 others like this.
  18. BeSteVenn

    BeSteVenn FOMO Resident

    "Come Some Christmas Eve Or Halloween" has potential, but it's unrealized. There are so many great Gee Gees songs, they're allowed a misfire every so often. Even their misfires can have some appeal and they had the sense to set it aside back in 1968. 3/5
    Photon, Will Harris, Majk and 3 others like this.
  19. Jarleboy

    Jarleboy Music was my first love

    Strangely, Kenny Everett loved two of my favourite acts - the Bee Gees and Cliff Richard. (Both were considered friends - at least to a degree.) And it was impossible for me not to like Kenny. He was silly, but he was real.

    Clive Anderson can be funny. But he was not when he was hosting that show. :shake:
  20. John54

    John54 Senior Member

    Burlington, ON
    Come Some Christmas Eve or Halloween: Once again I agree with the crowd -- "unrealized potential" nails it, and the song has quite a bit more than the last few days' offerings. It's more interesting and more pleasant than any of them, although I can perceive no connection to either of the holidays listed. And this came after Holiday? I listened to the first posted version with the red and blue video thumbnail, not the "demo" with the green and black. It manages to crawl up to a 3/5
    Photon, Jarleboy, Will Harris and 3 others like this.
  21. vince_caprizzi

    vince_caprizzi Forum Resident

    Come Some Christmas Eve or Halloween - 5/5

    This is one of my favorite Bee Gees songs of all time.

    An emotional punch in the gut. Robin at the height of his cinematic, heart-rending powers.

    A long time ago, the narrator and a girl were in love. But they had to part ways. He sees her getting smaller as the train pulls away on a damp English morning:

    Now your fading figure falls from view
    It's tearing what some tunnel air can do

    Fast-forward "twenty years."

    He returns home.

    His old love is still there. He "saw her yesterday and things were fine."

    However, "she's settled with a new man, so unkind."

    He still loves her; she still loves him, but she's stuck. It happens all the time.

    But the narrator keeps the flame burning. He imagines they'll be together someday:

    Oh, to touch your hand and see your smile
    Walk again with you for just one mile
    It's Halloween and dragons without dreams
    But one ?? day that blue will turn to green

    "The blue will turn to green." A classic impressionistic Gibb lyric evoking the transition from a depressive state to one that is verdant and flourishing.

    Now watch as they finally reunite.

    And you'll be there
    I'm waiting with your hands in your hair [?]
    You'll be mine
    Hold on, we'll be love
    We'll be sun
    We'll be skies
    We'll be skies

    It's such a hopeful and beautiful sentiment....But will it happen?

    It's absolutely devastating... and relatable

    davenav, Photon, Jarleboy and 8 others like this.
  22. JeffMo

    JeffMo Format Agnostic

    New England
    Who could have thought we'd miss the coca cola jingles? :D

    When can we start discussing the magnificent Odessa?
    Photon and Jarleboy like this.
  23. Lance LaSalle

    Lance LaSalle Prince of Swollen Sinus Thread Starter

    Our votes for "Come Some Christmas or Halloween"
    Average: 2.8605
    Photon, Jarleboy, BeSteVenn and 2 others like this.
  24. Lance LaSalle

    Lance LaSalle Prince of Swollen Sinus Thread Starter

    Today, two songs.

    Today’s first song is “Treacle Brown”, written and produced by Barry, Robin & Maurice Gibb. Orchestral arrangements by Bill Shepherd. Performed by Lori Balmer. The sound is not too good -- low bit-rate mp3 -- on this video, but it was the only one I found.

    Treacle Brown Lyrics Bee Gees ※ Mojim.com
    “Treacle Brown” was originally written for the Pippi Longstocking film/TV series. The Bee Gees gave this to their old — or rather young — associate from Australia, Lori Balmer, who was only 8 or eleven years old when this was released as a single in November, 1968. She and her family, who were great friends of the Gibbs, had recently moved back to the UK and, probably with The Bee Gees' help, got signed to Polydor.

    ( I say 8 or 11 because there seems to be some confusion on when her birthday was, with Wikipedia literally stating that she was eleven at this time and Wikipedia giving her birthday as 1960 and, when I was in school 1968-1960≠11.

    Line Up:
    Lori Balmer: vocals

    The Bee Gees:
    Barry Gibb: rhythm guitar
    Maurice Gibb: piano, bass
    Colin Petersen: drums

    Other personnel (orchestra) unknown.

    Released as an A-side in November, 1968.
    Michael, Photon, Jarleboy and 4 others like this.
  25. Lance LaSalle

    Lance LaSalle Prince of Swollen Sinus Thread Starter

    Today’s second song is “Four Faces West”,written and produced by Barry, Robin & Maurice Gibb. Orchestral arrangements by Bill Shepherd. Performed by Lori Balmer.

    Lyric below.
    Apparently recorded on the same day as “Treacle Brown.”

    Line Up:
    Lori Balmer: vocals
    The Bee Gees:
    Barry Gibb: rhythm guitar
    Maurice Gibb: piano, bass
    Colin Petersen: drums

    Released as an B-side in November, 1968.
    I stood on a cliff and
    I looked at the ocean
    just like every night
    And I can remember when you were beside me
    and you held me tight
    Just last month we had a lot of grain
    It didn't help me grow the grain
    Lots of things have happened since you've gone
    And we're the only ones that can't enjoy the flood(?)

    The children say "Daddy where is our mommy?
    Is she coming home?"
    But I only said that
    To make you see how much
    We are so....?
    The something-man hasn't paid the rent
    I think they'll make it though
    But once he told me love was heaven sent
    But sometimes has to go
    We stand on the cliff and look at the ocean
    Me and all the rest
    And this is your family
    How long must we wait
    with all four faces west?

    Michael, Jarleboy, bumbletort and 7 others like this.

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